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Automation with AI

With the use of artificial intelligence, we automate those processes that at first glance seem impossible to automate


Companies which use the latest technologies, develop faster and more efficiently

Do you want to implement process automation in your company, but don't know where to start? Find out how we can help you make your business more efficient.

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Według raportu McKinsey z 2024 roku, już ponad 70% firm korzysta ze sztucznej inteligencji w swoim biznesie

Dlaczego wykorzystanie AI jest tak powszechne w automatyzacji procesów biznesowych? Sztuczna inteligencja pozwala nam automatyzować te działania, z którymi nie poradzi sobie standardowy algorytm. Dzięki AI możemy przetwarzać większe ilości danych, a także automatyzować zadania kreatywne i analityczne. Jest to między innymi prognozowanie popytu, zarządzanie zapasami czy generowanie ofert sprzedażowych.

When working with our clients, we focus not only on increasing the efficiency of companies, but also on their individual business goals

“Sagiton is a business-oriented partner who has demonstrated a quick response time to problems and focused on solving them. Always looking for new business opportunities for joint partnership. We received a lot of support from Sagiton from their highly talented e-commerce team working on our Hybris-based projects.”

Steve Liddle

Managing Director, Eclipse Group

Case Study

W jaki sposób zautomatyzowaliśmy czasochłonny proces ofertowania i zwiększyliśmy produktywność działu sprzedaży?

Our client's problem

Ze względu na złożoność produktów, przygotowanie oferty w firmie naszego klienta wymagało zaangażowania wielu osób, zarówno z działu sprzedaży jak i technicznego. Prowadziło to do wydłużenia procesu ofertowania nawet do kilku tygodniu. Wraz ze wzrostem firmy, nasz klient musiał rezygnować z coraz większej ilości projektów, ponieważ oferty nie były wysyłane w wyznaczonych deadlinach.

Our solution

Zmapowaliśmy cały proces i zmodyfikowaliśmy go, aby maksymalnie zmniejszyć zaangażowanie działu technicznego. Wprowadziliśmy transkrypcję AI oraz monitorowanie kompletności zapytań, co usprawniło kluczowe etapy. To tylko część zastosowanych rozwiązań, które pozwoliły na automatyzację i odciążenie zespołu technicznego.

Company meeting

Solutions that we have introduced

Transkrypcja AI

Sprzedawcy otrzymują automatyczne podsumowania wszystkich zapytań, które klienci zgłaszają telefonicznie, dzięki czemu żadne informacje nie giną podczas komunikacji.

Monitoring the completeness of queries

If one of the clients does not provide all the required information, the AI system will send them an automatic email asking them to send the missing details.

Quotation Calculator

All key factors affecting the price of the project are sent to the calculator, which performs the necessary calculations and generates a quote in PDF format based on a predefined document.


After performing the calculations, the seller reviews the generated offer and, if necessary, edits it or consults with the technical department. It also has the ability to send a document in one click using an auto-complete email.

Szczegóły realizacji

Czas wdrożenia

4 tygodnie

Time saved

108 h per month

Cost of implementation

9 000 EUR

Return on investment

after 3 months

Zobacz inne realizacje

Our automation with the use of artificial intelligence

Voicebot for a HoReCa company

A client servicing apartments for rent struggled with the problem of repetitive tasks. His clients often made inquiries by phone, and their service was too time-consuming for the entrepreneur. To optimize the process, we have introduced voicebot, which is able to answer the most frequently asked questions when talking to guests. Voicebot analyzes the caller's query and gives an answer according to the prepared information base, in the absence of information, redirects the call to the facility employee.

The use of automation and AI has reduced the need for employee assistance by 80% while maintaining the right quality of customer service.

Praca w domu

Photos of products in arrangements thanks to AI

An e-commerce customer was looking for ways to reduce operating costs. As part of the audit, we performed a mapping of processes in the enterprise, and then presented the client with a list of repetitive activities that we could automate with artificial intelligence. It turned out that the most expensive process was the execution of product sessions, which were carried out in order to increase the uniqueness of the products in the marketplaces.

Thanks to the integration of the graphics program with the product data management system (PIM), the customer can easily generate photos of their products in any color or arrangement. This solution optimizes the entire process and reduces the need for additional photo shoots.

Product session

Application to evaluate candidates

In an employee outsourcing company, the recruitment department faced the problem of time-consuming screening of candidates. For every job offer published, more than 200 people applied, and most of them did not have the appropriate qualifications. Employees of the company spent more than half of their working time reviewing resumes and writing back to unqualified candidates. Through such a structure of the applications received, with the expansion of the activities of the enterprise, the costs of the recruiting department have almost doubled.

The creation of a system based on artificial intelligence and automation made it possible to reduce manual CV verification by 90%. The AI preliminarily analyzes the submitted applications and then sends recruiters a ranking of the most promising candidates. The solution is fully integrated with the customer's HRM and ensures the security of candidate data.

Recruitment interview
See Case Studies

Do you want to automate your business with AI? Contact us!

During a free consultation, we will get to know your needs, collect requirements and present automation capabilities.

Office staff

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