BIM object

Autodesk Revit plugin for BIM object libraries

Increase the availability of your products with the innovative BIM plugin for Autodesk Revit, which we will adapt to the needs of your business!

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Revit plug-in for BIM libraries

Don't want to waste time developing new software? Explore our Revit add-on solution, so architects can easily use your products in their projects.

What you will find in the basic version our plugin:


The plugin can be fully branded in the corporate identity of your brand. With our solution, you do not create your own overlays from scratch, but only rely on the BIMStreamer Plug-in and add your graphics to it.

Search and regionalization

Like the online library, the add-on supports the ability to search BIM objects by filters, hierarchy and quick search. In addition, it includes a switch that allows designers to select the appropriate regions and languages in which BIM information is to be available.

Quickly add products to your project

You will do this with a simple drag'n'drop mechanism or, for multiple products at once, the cart function, which imports all families in one go. This functionality significantly speeds up the design process.

Schedules and Bill of Materials (BOM)

Based on the project, the overlay can automatically generate Revit Schedules or export BOMs to Excel and PDF files. These files can be fully branded corporate identity of your brand.

Additional extensions

Depending on the specifications of your requirements, we can create a dedicated version of our plugin for you. Such a solution can work, for example:

When you want to optimize the BOM for the size of the packages, so as to allow easy transport or minimize waste.

When you want to add native Revit support for your product systems.

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Connection to BIMStreamer

The Revit overlay is fully compatible with our BIMStreamer system. Thanks to the integration, in case the products or their attributes change, there is no need to update the plugin. Thanks to BIM plugins, information is pulled directly from the server, which means that the latest version of the data is always downloaded automatically. Find out more about our solution!


Case Study

BIMStreamer platform and innovative plugin BIM Library Revit for Uponor

uponor logo

Uponor is an international manufacturer of solutions for water supply, surface heating and cooling and pre-insulated networks. The company employs around 4,000 people and operates in more than 30 countries.

BIM / CAD app

Basic problems our client

BIM information adjusted to specific countries

The manufacturer did not know how to ensure that BIM libraries offered to designers were tailored to specific regions/countries (appropriate language, construction classifications, legislatively required information).

Offered products were system components

Due to the type of products offered, the designer often had to contact Uponor's product consulting department in order to select the right elements.

Creating BOMs in Revit

The default Revit schedules did not cope in situations where architects and designers wanted to use multiple family types (pipes and channels) and their specific parameters in a single schedule.

Large amount of construction waste

After generating BOMs, Revit did not calculate how many pipe packages of what length to purchase for a given project. Manual enumeration was time-consuming and customers often turned to the service department for help.

External marketplaces would not promote the customer's brand

Uponor wanted to promote its channels and have full ownership over the published and collected data. It was also important for the company to brand the overlay made available to architects.

Extensive product portfolio

Depending on the specific requirements of a given country, the manufacturer offered different availability of products and variants of BIM models.

In response to the manufacturer's problems and challenges, we have implemented:

BIMStreamer system

This made it possible to combine the manufacturer's data from the PIM system with its BIM libraries and adapt them to specific regions (languages, product characteristics, classifications).

Extension of module with Revit add-on

Support for Uponor's pipe and duct systems means that when creating installations based on the manufacturer's products, the appropriate fittings are selected automatically.

More efficient material calculations

With the calculation extension in Revit, calculations in a single table include pipe and duct types. In addition, when exporting a file (PDF, Excel), they indicate the exact number of specific packages to speed up the process.

BIM platform and Revit plugin

Our solutions promote Uponor's domain and brand, not third-party domains. Our client is also the sole owner of the data coming from the pages (e.g. user data, downloaded material statements).

With these improvements, Uponor:

Provides always up-to-date BIM files for approx.

5000 products

Controls the data and operates independently through

admin panel

Can quickly and effectively manage libraries for

29 countries

BIM / CAD app

Download plugin on our client's website

See how Uponor enables its customers to easily use their BIM libraries.

Uponor Plugin

See what our client said about the BIM Library Revit project

“Sagiton prepared an intuitive front-end platform for us so that customers could effortlessly access and download generated CAD and BIM files. In addition, to increase automation and productivity, the company implemented a C# based plugin for Autodesk Revit. Sagiton usually delivers on time. If the deadline cannot be met, the team will inform you in advance. We were impressed by their flexibility. Sagiton is always looking for solutions for its customers - no excuses.”

Michal Ledzinski

Senior Manager, BIM & Software Engineering, Uponor

Revit plugin

You want to create your own BIM Autodesk Revit plugin?

Simplify autodesk BIM design with BIM plugins! We create Revit plugins and design automation scripts in Grasshopper 3D and Dynamo. Find out more about our solutions!

Custom BIM Plugins

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